In this computerized age, animation moves above trivial fascination to became an energetic force shaping global popular culture. From the Disney fandom unusual world...
Actress Selma Blair says she is hoping to appear in "Legally Blonde 3." Released in 2001, the original "Legally Blonde" starred Reece Witherspoon as...
Some things old, some things new, something international and groundbreaking, and a good deal of real-life-inspired drama.
This year's Emmy Awards nominations juggled two seemingly...
The 24-year-old Victoria Beckham / Posh Spice exchanged vows in a gothic-style castle in Lutrellstown, Ireland, in 1999. She and David Beckham were married...
"Westworld" returns for a third season, featuring several familiar faces in unfamiliar roles and extending aspects of the second season that creatively sailed off...